Opening Remarks by Rishi Kapoor, Associate Partner & Business Head, Sapphire Connect
Special Address: Aadhar: Empowering Digital Payments in India
Inaugural Panel Discussion: Banking for the Un-Banked
Governor's Panel Discussion: Building cashless societies of the future by boosting financial inclusion: The Role of Regulators
Instant Payment Solution - the need of the hour for seamless and simplified conversational commerce
Fireside Chat: Inspire, Measure and Improve Customer loyalty by delivering value with instant payments
Panel Discussion: Real-Time Cross-border Payment: Need for Faster Payment Services and Lower Transaction Fees to enable New Growth Opportunities
The Digital Shift: E-commerce & Payment Methods
Fireside Chat: Protecting Online Payment from Fraud
Trilogue: Transforming business models: From vertical B2B business to omni-channel B2C ecosystem
Panel Discussion: Creating a Cyber-security roadmap for Payments